Stop me if you’ve heard this one (you have, but it is worth repeating): A CEO and CFO are battling it out during the budget process. The CFO says to CEO, who is asking for dollars for leader development, “What happens if we train them and they leave?” The CEO pauses and responds with, “What happens if we don’t and they stay?” I love this two line quip. It is so true and so telling of the way we lose sight of what could happen to our businesses if we fail to invest in the development of our people.
Amanda Areces

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The Case for Shelf Awareness: Why Work Books Clubs are Thriving
You’ve heard people talking about book clubs. Maybe you want to know more—Who goes? How do you choose a book? Aren’t book clubs just an excuse to have wine and snacks with your friends? Depending on the book club, those answers vary. I have been in a book club for close to 10 years. There are some other members who have been there since the beginning with me, and as the group has evolved, we have invited a few more. We now have a group of 12 committed women with widely ranging tastes, opinions, dietary needs and families.
Topics: Goals, Leadership, Communication